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Hi! I’m Lindsay and I’m the creator of

I am so glad you are here and apart of this community. 

I am a dedicated Pediatric Speech-Language Pathologist that focuses on feeding development. I am also a Mom to a gluten free and dairy free family. I want every child with food allergies to enjoy food that taste good and makes them feel their best. 

I’m dedicated and passionate about helping families navigate the world of gluten and dairy free living along with raising healthy and happy kids.

I started Speak.Eat.Learn because four years ago I was trying to better my family’s health and the health of the sweet babies and kids that I work with. I started learning about the importance of real, whole foods in our diets and how to heal and protect our bodies from the inside out. 

So, I started what I have learned over the years with others to include: health education, gluten and dairy free recipes, kid friendly meal ideas, how to help your picky eater, how to feed your baby real whole foods, and how to make small, simple changes to a healthier lifestyle. Friends and others started asking me for more of this information and that’s how Speak.Eat.Learn was created. I want to share all that I’ve been blessed to learn with you. 


Every week I publish an article on Speak.Eat.Learn that’s full of health hacks, recipes, child development, or health education. And then, I share it on Thursday in our newsletter so you don’t miss a thing. 

Every once in awhile I will send information of special events, webinars, or opportunities too. 

I am dedicated and passionate about serving you and others so we can create a better future for ourselves and our sweet children. 


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You can even reply to me so your email knows we are friends and you will be sure to receive all the helpful info given in our weekly emails. 

**Join me on Pinterest

This is where I share my blog posts, recipes, and even more great health hacks and easy hacks for less time in the kitchen and more time eating real, whole foods. 


**Grab Your FREE Guide to Gluten Free products plus two weeks of gluten free kid friendly meal ideas & recipes.**


This is a long list of healthy snacks that will give you ideas and inspiration for snacks, breakfast ideas, lunchbox ideas, side dishes, and treats. There is something on here for everyone in the family! 

Lastly, Thanks for joining me on this mission to take healthy back. When we get back to the basics and eat real, whole foods  our bodies know exactly what to do. This is when we start to heal and protect ourselves from illness and disease. 

I know firsthand just how difficult eating fruits and veggies can be for a picky eater and I am here to help you navigate this world of picky eating and allergy friendly eating. 

Please don’t hesitate to respond to our emails, we love hearing from you! We want to know what you are loving and what you would like to see more of! 

Healthy and Happy, 
