LEARN (Pediatric therapy blogs, dairy & gluten free recipes, and my own health story of healing from a massive list of chronic illness inlcuding non epileptic seizures, lyme disease, and rocky mountain spotted fever to name a few. Look for updated blog posts coming soon).

As I update this blog, I want to let you know that I am healing from non-epileptic seizures, tremors, memory loss, PTSD, anxiety/depression symptoms, Lyme disease, TBRF, Babesia, Bartonella, Rocky Moutain Spotted Fever, Mycoplasma, CIRS, mold toxicity, sensory processing disorder, severe light sensitivity, hormone imbalances, severe limbic system dysfunction, neuroinflammation, and Irlen syndrome.

Please check back for updated blog posts as I share more of my own health journey as well as continue to share blog posts to help children find their voice and enjoy mealtimes!

As a pediatric speech-language pathologist I’m passionate about helping parents learn the root causes to their child’s speech and language delays as well as their child’s feeding delays. I’m sharing education, realistic strategies, and practical solutions to help YOU help your child learn to find their voice and fuel their body with a variety of foods.

With the demands of busy schedules and overwhelmed parents, I want to help you navigate the world of early intervention so that you don’t feel alone or overwhelmed. I want to give you hope for the future and help your child be happy, healthy, and independent.

I’d love for you to connect with me as well. Join my email list, email me @speakeatlearnllc@gmail.com, or share this website with a loved one.

Living with grace and purpose,


Simple Speech Therapy Strategies You Can Do At Home

Language Development

You Should Also Know

I am a Christian, Wife, Mom of 2, recipe creator for dairy and gluten free food, and on my own health journey to find physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental freedom. Over the last 1.5 years my world and my family’s world has been flipped upside down.

My health journey will be shared in blogs to come because I think it’s important to share my story and my journey in hope to help others. I’m becoming emotionally and spiritually stronger than I’ve ever been and I’m thankful for that.  I truly believe that is getting me through the tough times.

Physically and mentally, I am growing and improving. Healing is not linear and there is definitely a mix of good days and some tough days.

I am healing from non-epileptic seizures, tremors, memory loss, PTSD, anxiety/depression symptoms, Lyme disease, TBRF, Babesia, Bartonella, Rocky Moutain Spotted Fever, Mycoplasma, CIRS, mold toxicity, sensory processing disorder, severe light sensitivity, hormone imbalances, severe limbic system dysfunction, neuroinflammation, and Irlen syndrome.

I am a survivor. I am healing. I am powerful. I am worthy. I am grateful for who I am.

I’m here to share my love for helping others whether it be in the therapy world, creating & sharing recipes, ways to connect the mind/body/spirit, and my own scary/ugly/but yet purposeful health journey.

Please be on the lookout for updated blog posts, join my email list, or reach out to me via email.

Living with grace and purpose,


Get In Touch

We look forward to connecting with you!