17 Summer Time Favorites Every Family Needs

Summer time is my favorite time of the year until August. Then I’m ready for it to be Fall weather. This summer has been different since Covid and I’m finding myself enjoying the little things and many different things. Since Covid came along, I’m finding the new normal, just like everyone else, but there are a couple things that I think every busy family needs. I’ve created a list of must haves for summer time (for kids and adults). 

1. We are loving  KIND FROZEN Bars. I found them at Harris Teeter and they are awesome. They are great for a special treat during the hot summer nights. I also like all the nuts on top! Ya’ll they ARE the kind bar but in a dairy free ice cream form. Plus they are gluten free and if you have a child that has a gluten and dairy allergy then this is a BIG deal! Score!

2. I’m loving a new PRAY app I found. It’s from pray.com.  I enjoy doing a short devotion every morning and was on the hunt for a short prayer I could listen to each morning to start my day. Every day this app has a new prayer and short devotion that you can listen to. Awesome way to focus on yourself and time with the man above. You can pay for some of the extra features and they even have some devotions and bible stories for kids.

3. To go along with the PRAY app, I also love my “Good Days Start With Gratitude Journal” that I ordered off Amazon awhile back. It’s short and simple and gets you thinking about what you are grateful for. You know, the little things that make life go round! These days we all need a little gratitude especially with everyday feeling like groundhog day!

4. Oh my lawd! I finally found a gluten free cracker that actually has some taste and doesn’t taste like cardboard. They are called RW Garcia Sweet Potato and seed crackers. My kids are kinda liking them which is a step in the right direction. As a Mom that has a child with a dairy and gluten allergy I’ve searched high and low for a decent tasting GF cracker.

Lawd, it is hard to find but this one is giving me hope. I’m always impressed by the kids eating the Simple Mills brand rice crackers. I wish and want to like those but they have no flavor. But, you may want to give those a try too. I like that they come in little individual bags. Perfect for school lunch!

5. I’m loving simple dinners without recipes. One we are doing right now is a mexican style buddha bowl.

  • I just cook a mixture of brown and white rice in veggie broth.
  • Then saute onions, mushrooms, zucchini, squash, black beans and sprinkle in some taco seasoning.
  • Place veggies on top of rice. Then top with Chipotle ranch and salsa!

My kids enjoy everything deconstructed so I just separate the items on their plate. I usually do a bowl of fruit in the middle of the table served family style. I love serving fruit or raw veggies in the center of the table because it allows for exposure and a healthy alternative if your little one is not into the meal you cooked. I make sure to include a couple fruits/veggies my kids eat and then a couple they don’t. 

6. I’m also loving rice and veggies with sesame oil and coconut aminos (it’s like soy sauce without gluten and all the sodium). My aunt gave me the recipe and it’s so so good.  I saute whatever veggies I’ve got on hand and add the sesame oil, coconut aminos, and sesame seeds once they are sauteed. Serve over rice.

You can add a little seafood, tofu, or rotisserie chicken too. Pick veggies your kids like and add those to the dish. Totally okay to separate everything on a plate for them too. My aunt seared some ahi tuna and added to it. She swears by the Five Spice when cooking dishes like this.

7. My kids are obsessed with air fryer tacos. One night I was dead tired and really didn’t know what to make. Honestly, I’ve cooked so much over the quarantine I’m kinda over it right now. Anyone else feel like this? So, I looked in my fridge and all I had was some dairy free shredded cheese, a rotisserie chicken, black beans, and GF tortilla wraps.

BTW, we have tried every type of GF tortilla wrap and found the cashew tortillas (found at Whole Foods) and the MISSION brand are the best tasting. Most others break apart when you roll them up and that about sends us over the edge. Not good!

So I broke out my air fryer and layered cheese and black beans in one and cheese and chicken in the other. I layered the ingredients on one side of the tortilla then folded in half. Plopped them in the air fryer for about 10 minutes (folded and sitting upright next to each other. They came out crispy and so good.

We topped with shredded lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, and salsa. We had some fruit on the side. Easy peasy! You may have to flip tacos half way through. We cooked about 10-12 minutes total.

This is a really fun dish to have kids help with. Let them pick out some ingredients to add. No judgement here! They can make them as big or little as they want. You can even cut the tortilla in half then fold over for mini tacos.

8. I recently took an online business course and my friend that lead the course sent me the most amazing book. It’s called Everything Is Figureoutable. So good for personal development, a business, and just running life in general. Sometimes we get so caught up in the “what if’s” or the anxiety around the unknown. Ya’ll…that is life. It all works itself out. Now, go get this book if you are an entrepreneur!

9. I’m also re-reading “The Best Yes“. It’s such a great book that I feel like every women should read. It’s all about an overwhelmed schedule leads to an underwhelmed soul” and how to go about saying yes and no to things in your life. I found myself laughing and even tearing up as I read it.

10.  Of course, I’m loving Dr. B’s new book Fiber Fueled. I have been a fan of his for a few years and I’m so excited he wrote this book. He has so much knowledge to share. Plus it helps that he is one of the most humbling people I’ve ever met. Check out his book, it has great information, recipes,and even a meal plan.

11.  I’m loving these FROZIP popsicle bags that I ordered off Amazon. We have been taking fruit and water and just pureeing it in the blender. Then fill the bags and freeze them. Super easy and a great way to satisfy a sweet tooth and hydration in the summer heat. I’ve listed some easy combos below for you to try. If you feel your kids may eat if a little sweeter then add about 1 tsp OR 1/2 tbsp of pure maple syrup.

  • blueberries, bananas, strawberries, water
  • 1/2 cup orange juice, 1/4 cup water, 1/4 to 1/2 avocado, 1 banana
  • spinach, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, water
  • Water and Ultima (see below)
  • mixture of tropical frozen fruit and water

12. We’ve used this electrolyte replenisher, ULTIMA,  for over a year now. It’s clean, no sugar, preservatives, or dyes in it. It last a long time too. It’s great to add in you or your kid’s water for the day. It’s also awesome after sports or a workout.

Our favorite flavors are lemonade and pink lemonade. We also used water and pink lemonade Ultima in the popsicle bags! Yum Yum!

13. I’m loving the CLASSPASS app. I am a huge fan of Barre and I love Barre Evolution here in Mount Pleasant but once Covid hit I didn’t feel comfortable going in person. I started using the class pass app and it allows you to pay a small fee to workout at different studios in the area.

The cool thing about it is now that everything is virtual you can sign up for the virtual classes too so it’s like you are still getting a great workout but just from your house. Try it out HERE

14. Okay ya’ll…more workout stuff. Do you follow FITFISHMOM? I’m kinda obsessed. I love a good workout but Mama ain’t got time for an hour of working out some days. FITFISHMOM offers these amazing 15 minute workout videos on Instagram.

They are perfect for all levels and you can do as many sets as you like! Try them out and let me know what you think! I’m always sore after I do them!

15. I’m thankful for my plant powders! My family has eaten these plant powders for the last almost 5 years and we will eat them everyday for the rest of our lives. They are just dehydrated fruits,veggies, and berries that helps fill in the gaps for what we should be eating versus what we actually eat.

I don’t know about you but there are a lot of days that my kids (and myself) don’t get in the full rainbow of colors. I mean, one of my kids only eats broccoli so we still have lots of work to do so I’m grateful for these. Kids eat free too. Find out more HERE with this short video! Password is juiceplus

16. Last month I finally finished creating my FUEL program. For a year (yes I said a year) I’ve been creating this program and dreaming about it. I finally just told myself I was launching it and we’ll see how it goes.

Ya’ll it was amazing! I loved every second of it and I got the best feedback! This is what life is all about, helping others feel amazing and make changes so you can be present and healthy for yourself and family!

So, it’s a four week program that is broken up into targeting one meal per week and building off that. Whether you want to do this just for yourself or include your whole family you can. In four weeks you and your family will be eating more real, whole food and especially more plant foods.

I include a couple bonus lessons as well to include helping you go dairy free in 30 days and a special bonus for helping your picky eater. There is a monthly meal theme calendar and meal plan to help with ideas. I include recipes, resources, education, and lives within the facebook group!

If you are interested please email me at speakeatlearnllc@gmail.com as the next start date is coming up..August 3rd! 

17. The Mediterranean orzo salad from Trader Joes. My good friend turned me onto this and let me tell you…it will knock your socks off. She adds fresh chopped cucumbers to it and grilled shrimp. Served with biscuits or garlic bread! Yum! Check it out right now!

Hope you guys enjoy your weekend! Stay healthy! Don’t forget to follow me on my facebook page as well for more summer time recipes and health hacks!

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